Did You Know?

Shift Happens: Really Amazing Facts

Did you know:

  • NEC (NIPNY) and Alcatel (ALU) are testing a single strand of fiber that can transmit 10 trillion bits per second.
  • 25% of the highest IQ population in China is greater than the entire US population.
  • The United States is only 20th in broadband penetration.
  • 1 of 8 married couples met online last year.
  • The young population will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are 38.
  • Over 3000 books are published daily.

If you haven’t checked out the Shift Happens slide show yet, which is available at Glumbert.com, you should really check it out. There are a lot more interesting trivia and facts that you can view by following the link to Glumbert.com and viewing the 6 minute video. The six minute video is full of interesting facts that just might open your eyes into areas that you might want to be investing in. View it…Enjoy it…and Bottomline…let’s make money!!!

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