Stock Graduate Call Notes 3-11-14: Economic Calendar Filters

Economic reports have the ability to cause significant moves in currencies we may be trading. No matter what we may think might happen to our trades based on fundamental and/or technical analysis, NEWS can trump all. It is important for us to be aware of any potential news that could alter the trades that we are in, or trades that we are considering.

Numerous sites have economic calendars that you can receive information about upcoming economic reports. The calendar from FXStreet,, has a calendar with filter capabilities. In the upper right, choose Show Filters to bring up some changes you can make to the economic calendar that is displayed.

You have the ability to choose economic reports for specific dates such as today, or tomorrow, or next week. You can choose from 42 different countries which economic reports you want displayed. You can choose what type of reports to list and, the best of all; choose what volatility is expected from the report. You can choose to have only the high expected volatility, or to include moderate, or low, or no volatility expected.

Choose Filter Results at the bottom left and the results that you want will now display. Next to the Filter Results button, you can reset the default settings. You can also choose to have your preferred settings for your next visit to the page.

This filter can be a real time saver. Experiment with the different choices to focus on the reports that are important to you in your trading.

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