Need Education? – Josh Willis

Over the years I have been asked several times if I enjoy what I do. I personally have never said no. Why? Well obviously I love what I do and you should too. It’s what keeps us going every day and enjoying life. When friends ask me how much does it cost to take classes from me, I usually give them a nice round figure and they inevitably then follow up with another question: IS IT WORTH IT?

In thinking and pondering about that question, the more I think about it the more I feel that it truly is. When I go to my accountant with questions about taxes, or financial information, I am comforted in knowing that his knowledge and experience are all his due to the education he has undertaken over the years. The same goes with your local doctor. He spent years and a whole lot of money to be educated so that he will be able to be the best that he can be at his occupation. We as individual do spend a lot of time and money on education at our local schools and colleges so that we can use that knowledge in our careers to further expand our abilities to help others or ourselves in obtaining financial freedom. At least that should be our goal right?

So why is it when it comes to our trading careers, (which I feel is one of the least understood endeavors we may ever undertake) that we feel it unnecessary to find good sources of education? We feel like its really not a big deal to jump into the game, listen to “so called Guru’s�, and spend our hard earned money on the market in hopes of hitting that home run hit every time. We are more readily willing to lose several hundreds to thousands of dollars trading, before we are willing to invest a much smaller amount into our education. And as you may have heard, an education is always well spent. To me it’s never a waste of money unless I never apply, or use the tools and education I received.

Would you ever become a Zoo Keeper and bring it large exotic animals without first knowing what they eat, how they act, are the aggressive etc? No of course not, you need a proper education. With any task you undertake that’s a necessity. My point is simple: Good education is always priceless. Teach yourself first some great basics, a methodology to follow. Simple steps that traders follow to eliminate as much risk as possible and therefore have plenty of room for success. Turn your guessing trades into and educated trade.

I hope this gives you an opportunity to evaluate where you are at in your “Business of Trading�. Do you have the proper education? Do you have the knowledge base to go out into the grand world of stocks and options? Can you see yourself winning on a regular basis? Do you know why you will win and how often? Do you know when to get out with a loss? Do you feel like the market is out to only get you? These are the questions that can be answered through a good education.

Education and learning market basics and the simple methodology that we offer is truly professional. We pride ourselves on the fact that we all trade. That we all have paid for our education and because of that the hardships we may undertake are now easier to overcome because of the education and the experience what we have and that we can share with all those who are willing to be taught.
Get the education you need, learn the basics and the steps to follow. You will achieve your goals quicker and ultimately your financial freedom.

Happy Trading.
Josh Willis

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