I recently picked up another book on real estate investing and have finished the first 100 pages. Nothing new has been forthcoming from those pages . However, many things have refreshed my memory and have been returned to an area of my consciousness where they resided some time ago. At that time (some years ago and some more recently) I was pleased that they were at a heightened consciousness. This was so because they served to motivate and enthuse me to greater accomplishments. The underlying factor of these thoughts was that if I would spend some time every day developing habits and thought processes that elevated and inspired me I would eventually become what I was attempting to develop. I made great progress for many years as I made this consciousness effort. I must say that I enjoyed the process and the commitment tremendously. It was a terrific time in my life and served me extremely well as an investor. I recommend the same to all. Here is why.


As is said, I started reading the book two days ago ( a few minutes each evening before retiring for the night). I have once again been inspired. Not by new ideas. Not by some new fantastic insight that has never been shared before. Not by anything that I have not experienced before. The inspiration has come by realization that the simple decision I made years ago to consciously work on developing thoughts and habits that would eventually change my life did just that and I hardly realized it. The thing that I realized in the two nights of reading was that today I continue to fill my mind body and soul with the same thoughts and habits that I hoped to achieve when I started years ago.


In a nut shell, I have become what I remember dreaming about that many years ago. But, even more than that I have surpassed those dreams in so many ways. All it took was a commitment to develop the thoughts and habits and to put that commitment into action. With out even realizing it (for the most part) the changes for the better manifested themselves.


To our students….. Take time daily to enlighten yourself in whatever you have chosen to do with us. Learn to create thoughts that inspire you and make it easier to get through the difficult times you will encounter. Train yourself daily and you too will realize, some time later that you received the benefit of those thoughts and actions. At that time you will not only realize you have arrived but you will realize you did so in style.

Here is to your arrival as well.


Be safe and Prosper!


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