Graduate Call Notes 3-6-14

Today on our graduate call we discussed various topics of interest. We covered a few areas that dealt with general ways to look and work out Real Estate investment deals and with areas that focused on the latest insight indicators for the Real Estate market.

In relation to areas that can help us with better ways to invest generally we discussed the benefit to have a 3rd Party Processing Center involved when doing various types of creative financing.

A 3rd Party Processor could help us facilitate a Seller Financing, Seller-Assisted Financing, Wrap Around Mortgage or other type of creative deal.

A 3rd Party Processor could be a Title Company or a Real Estate Attorney that handles being a middle man on payments for a property. For Example: If an investor was making payments to an individual as a lien holder, he could send his mortgage payment to the 3rd Party who in turn will send that payment to the applicable account or accounts that the lien holder would like the payment to be delivered too.

By having this type of company involved it can create peace of mind for the investor and the lien holder knowing that the payments are being handled by a professional organization that will get the payments to the right source.

This can sometimes be the difference in peace of mind so that a deal will be done rather than rejected.

Happy Investing!

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