When Life Gets in the Way of Your Business

Despite our best efforts to keep focused on our investing business, sometimes our busy schedules prevent us from spending sufficient time working our business. It can be rather frustrating to want to dedicate time and effort to real estate but not be able to for whatever reasons. Unfortunately, many investors in this situation will eventually throw in the towel and completely shut down their investing efforts. This is a terrible mistake, and we shouldn’t have this knee-jerk reaction when life’s responsibilities pull us away from our real estate activities.

If you completely stop all real estate activities for a period of time, when you do find the time again, you will come back into the market cold and have to start from square one. A very simple and easy way to stay in touch with the market while you are “away� from the business is to spend a few minutes everyday looking at property listing sites (literally a few minutes is all you need). Even though you may not have time to look at properties and make offers, it will be tremendously value to stay in tune with what is going on in your investment areas and your local market by simply keeping abreast as to what homes are on the market, how long they are sitting, what they are selling for, etc. Now, when your schedule is freed up and you can start working your business again, you are not coming in cold but are aware of market trends and know what has been going on during your “hiatus�.

Posted by Carter Brown

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