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Overpriced, Underpriced Housing Markets

What are the most overvalued and undervalued housing markets in the country? The Local Market Monitor recently released a list for investors analyzing buying conditions for real estate markets in the United States. Overall, Las Vegas was a city they flagged as the worst — or “frankly dangerous,” as they referred to it. They said the city is not only one of the most undervalued housing markets in the country but is also considered one of the worst housing buys. Orlando, Fla., was another city the Local Market Monitor considered […]

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Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 10-21-2010

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When Life Gets in the Way of Your Business

Despite our best efforts to keep focused on our investing business, sometimes our busy schedules prevent us from spending sufficient time working our business. It can be rather frustrating to want to dedicate time and effort to real estate but not be able to for whatever reasons. Unfortunately, many investors in this situation will eventually throw in the towel and completely shut down their investing efforts. This is a terrible mistake, and we shouldn’t have this knee-jerk reaction when life’s responsibilities pull us away from our real estate activities. If […]

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Always Improve Your Business

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaningâ€? Benjamin Franklin This quote applies to all walks of life and can certainly be applied to any Real Estate business, no matter how successful. As an Investor, you should constantly be evaluating your business and strategies, and more importantly, be making necessary changes to improve what you are already doing. Don’t let your business get stuck in a rut. Think of the ways your Real Estate business can be improved. Is there a more effective […]

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