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Protected: Graduate Call 1-16-14: Hard Money and Partners

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Graduate Call Notes 1-16-14

Today on our Real Estate graduate call we combined the assigned topic with questions from the participants on the call. We first discussed the significance of for real estate investors. David from Richmond, VA commented on this website and others on the call wanted to hear specifics about it. We mentioned how this website is the main source to look for commercial property of all types sold throughout the U.S. They do have some residential investment properties occasionally but mainly commercial. Another website that we mentioned was as […]

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Notes: Graduate Call 1-9-14

Today’s graduate call focused on the importance of ways for new investors to get started without needing credit for down payment money. David from Richmond, Virginia and Ana from Spokane, Washington both had input on this topic. We first discussed that there are many ways to work in real estate in this manner and to bring in an good income. We mentioned Subject to the pre-existing mortgage. We discussed assignment of contract as well. We discussed briefly wholesaling of property but this does require some kind of financial backing to […]

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Notes: Graduate Call 1-2-14

Our Graduate call for today focused on areas that related to those on the call. David from Richmond, Virginia had a lot of input for new investors that want to learn about real estate. He emphasized that most don’t have the credit or the down payment for financing. He mentioned the importance of doing what it takes to get to an investment club and how to socialize with those who are experienced. He mentioned it is good to do some research and find out from the paper or an online […]

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