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It is Not All Bad News

This article is longer than I would like to post, but I am asked almost daily when the markets are going to turn and this article specifically addresses that question. It is interesting to note that real estate professionals ARE seeing more buyers coming back into the market – they are just slow in signing contracts. While window shoppers are not helping us investors sell our rehab projects, it is nevertheless good news to hear buyer demand slowly coming back. It is also a positive sign to look at the […]

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Maybe It’s Not All That Bad

I frequently get asked where the good markets are, where people should invest, or where are the markets that are poised to take off with significant growth. My first answer is usually for people to invest where they are right there in their own market. It is much easier to start investing where you live because you can see the properties, you can meet your team members face to face, and it is overall just an easier process. That is not to say you can’t invest in other markets it […]

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Gold Mine – Vacant Homes

Vacant homes can be a gold mine for investors. These properties are costing someone money and in many cases a lot of money. Most of these have mortgages on them and all of them have property taxes being assessed. What this means folks, is the owners, at some point, are going to get sick of shelling out money on an empty property that is providing no benefit to them at all. These are the kinds of sellers we like as investors – they become very motivated to dispose of these […]

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When Life Gets in the Way of Your Business

Despite our best efforts to keep focused on our investing business, sometimes our busy schedules prevent us from spending sufficient time working our business. It can be rather frustrating to want to dedicate time and effort to real estate but not be able to for whatever reasons. Unfortunately, many investors in this situation will eventually throw in the towel and completely shut down their investing efforts. This is a terrible mistake, and we shouldn’t have this knee-jerk reaction when life’s responsibilities pull us away from our real estate activities. If […]

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