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Expired Listings

Investors MUST be aggressive in prospecting for deals. Do not limit yourself or get lazy in where you are looking for opportunities. There are many places to look for deals and I wanted to highlight one that is often overlooked or not pursued by real estate investors. About 64 percent of home owners with expired listings end up listing with another brokerage within 30 days, according to a Hofstra University study. “Buyers are frustrated and angry that their home didn’t sell, and they’re looking for someone to blame,â€? Joe Meyer, […]

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Making Money While You Sleep

Making Money While You Sleep How would you like to have a real estate business that made money while you weren’t even thinking about real estate or your business? The way you can create this type of business is by leveraging other people’s time and utilizing various marketing and advertising strategies. Most new investors are going to spend a significant part of their own time working their business. This is not a bad thing, in fact, it is critical that new investors, and seasoned investors for that matter, spend a […]

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Where Do I Find Deals?

I get asked all the time “where do I find good dealsâ€?? My response is always the same, “anywhere and everywhereâ€?. I don’t say this flippantly either. I do believe investors need to be finding potential deals anywhere they possibly can and the more creative the better. It doesn’t hurt to dig around and ask questions and look into opportunities that might be a little off-the-beaten-path. One such opportunity is with unfinished homes. Many unfinished homes are sitting on the market because the builders have run out of money or […]

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Talk to someone…..anyone!

Don’t leave any rock unturned. This is what I tell investors that I work with. Talk to a lot of people, shake a lot of hands, attend a lot of networking events, kiss a lot of babies, well maybe you don’t need to do this but I think you get the point. Real estate investing is a people oriented business and the more people you know, the more successful you will be in your business. The contacts you make will be great sources of information and knowledge and will also […]

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