Pleasure and Pain By: Adam Mortimer

Virtually every action that we take is motivated by pleasure or pain. Perhaps you have had the experience of starting a new diet only to realize a few weeks into it your motivation leaves you. Why is this? Why is it that you started out so excited only to be left with nothing a few weeks later? If you understand the two human motivators pleasure and pain, then you are about to crack the code to unlimited motivation. Imagine being able to get motivated naturally. This would make losing weight, making more money or anything else that you wanted to do a whole lot easier. Here is what you need to do. You must fake it till you make it. In other words, you must take the action that you are associating pain with and start to associate it with pleasure. How do you do that? Instead of saying things like it is hard to find the time to work out. Working out is painful. I do not like working out. You would say something like this, the more I workout the better I feel the better I feel the more I workout. What ever habit you want create start associating it with pleasure. Is it hard for you to get motivated to do something that is pleasurable? No, you are naturally motivated to do things that you enjoy! Start associating pleasure with money and more money will come your way!

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