Getting Fired UP By Adam Mortimer

Getting fired up is so crucial when it comes to this program. I have learned that the students that do theses seven things are consistently pumped about doing the program!

1. Always be learning

Knowledge is power, and for those that are always reading studying and attending their weekly classes have that extra boost to get them through the week.

2. Surround yourself with like minded people

When I talk with students or family members that think and feel the way I do about this program it is amazing. The energy level goes through the roof!

3. Teach others

It has been said that no one learns more than the teacher. I believe that when you teach someone something it helps you to understand it better because you had to articulate it. Teach someone what you have been learning.

4. Imagine the finish line

Imagine what is going to happen at the end of this program. What will you life be like. How cool is it going to be when you can get up and go to Hawaii whenever you want! Keep the end in the front of your mind.

5. Expect Setbacks

Life is hard but it does get easier if you understand that. This program is never a perfectly smooth journey. There are ups and downs along the way. If you expect that, you will not be caught off guard.

6. Set clear and definite goals

I am always amazed at how many people do not have a clear vision of what they want in life. If you cannot see your goals, you probably will not achieve your goals. Have a clear vision and then get out there and make it a reality.

7. Decide to be fired up

We all have the ability to choose our attitude. That is one thing in this crazy world that we DO have control over. Your attitude will determine your altitude. High achievers in life have great attitudes. They decide to be fired up about whatever they are working on!

These seven steps are tested principles that work. Apply these seven things this week and I promise you will see a difference. God Bless!

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