Put It All Together By: Adam Mortimer

We have been talking a lot about mindset and I have introduced some powerful goals that will help you to accomplish the goals that you are setting. There are four basic steps that will help you get what you want. The first step is to live in the spirit of gratitude. You have probably been to a wealth seminar or at least read a book on creating wealth. Isn’t it interesting that almost all of those articles talk about being positive? Positivity I believe is in it’s purest form when we are grateful. Being in a grateful state of mind allows you to be more creative when you are looking for ways to make more money. Gratitude is vital to your long term financial success. Having a vision is a powerful thing. As I have studied the mind and have discovered some of the secrets that make it work I have found that the mind is greatly influenced by images. You have probably heard the saying a picture is worth 1000 words. Finding images of things that remind you of your goals and putting them somewhere where you are going to see them on a daily basis is vital. Your mind will respond to these images in direct proportion to the belief that you put into it. As Napoleon Hill once said “Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve. Writing down you goals helps you to achieve clarity and focus. Without clarity and focus you may find your motivation lacking. Visualizing your goal and speaking good positive affirmations to yourself on a daily basis is powerful! This will change your life! Lets recap on the four things that you need to do!

Gratitude: Being grateful for the good things and bad things will open your mind to money making opportunities. Grateful people see opportunities where others only see the lack thereof.

Vision Board: Make sure that you have a board of images of things that remind you of your financial goals. Images are powerful! A picture is worth 1000 words.

Write it down: Write down your financial goals make sure you are being specific. Write down specific amounts and how you plan on obtaining that money. Make sure that all of your goals have a deadline!

Visualize and feel: Wow, this one is so powerful if you can see and feel how life is going to be after you have achieved your goals you will find it easier to accomplish your goals!

So, put it all together, take action and make this work for you!

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