Success Update!

Here is a great success update hot off the press!

Hi Adam,
Not the usual update I give you but it’s been anything but usual since last Thursday.
I previously reported that I had established an LLC for myself and am going to Trade in the Forex Market as my new income stream. I had also established a 2nd LLC with the plan that this would be my wife’s stream.
My wife works in marketing, and since January has been putting up to 80 hours a week, for the base pay of 40 hours – her only assistant was laid off at the same time. I have been trying to get her to get another job, quit, anything to free up her time so she can work what I call the ‘Prosper’ plan, because we’ve been doing everyone else’s plan for so long. She was working so much she didn’t even have time to look for a job!
So last Thursday, for all her efforts, she was fired! Two weeks severance.have a nice day! Not even a thank you for all her efforts.
If we had not been in Prosper for the last 6 months, this would have been pretty devastating. Of course it was a big shock to her, hard on the ego, very hurtful. She went through what probably most of us have been through for a day, but it only took one day before we saw all the opportunities.
She already had a product idea, just from thinking different from reading the assigned reading materials, already knows that she’s excellent at what she does and could certainly sell her services to the ‘competition’ but as a consultant where she provides a service, but she can’t any longer be fired..she works for her.
In reading ‘Killing Sacred Cows’, we already were gathering insurance information so from hence forth we would carry our own insurance, versus via an employer, because after 50 we want to make sure we don’t become uninsurable, lest one of those things that tend to come with age happen to us. At least we’d know we’d always have insurance, none of the ‘Pre-existing condition’ stuff. Almost the ‘Perfect Storm’..not because we planned it mind you, but because we listened to what we learned and we implemented it.
So here it is Tuesday.she is now in business for herself, her former boss who left the same employer is making arrangements to hire her on as a consultant, for which we had already applied for the EIN, and had the LLC, as if we already knew. He plans to keep her on retainer, and if she just works 2 weeks a month, she will have matched her previous salary.and of course now she gets paid for every hour of work so she is more than willing to do more ;)
Had we not listened to the philosophy of ‘multiple streams of income’ and assumed someone would be there to take care of everything, we would not have been educating ourselves, and more importantly getting ready. I’d love to think I was smart and knew everything that was going to happen, but I listened, reasoned and acted according to what Prosper teaches.
In the past, this would have been devastating, especially in this economy. Fact was it was hard for me to not tell her immediately how happy I really was she got fired…I looked at it more like she was set free to work our plan, not someone elses.

Oh yeah, and already working towards eliminating debts, financial concerns didn’t even pop up.we spend way below our means.working to eliminate ALL debt within 2 years, including the house. Again, had we not been doing this, I don’t believe it would have been as painless as it has been.
I have reported before that Prosper gave us hope for the future as we had never had, now I believe we are truly starting our journey. In just a few days without a ‘job’ and my wife already has another business idea, conducting training in her area of expertise, that looks like yet another stream of income. She has shared here idea, and everyone thinks it is an excellent idea, including local community college.
I told her when it happened, that eventually she’d look back and look at last Thursday as the day of her new beginning.we’ll it’s Tuesday and she is believing it now!
Advice to all.don’t just’t just learn stuff, but do something with what you learn…you’ll be surprised how smart you’ll for us.we thank God! Coincidence is when God does something, but doesn’t take the credit.we just listened!

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