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Protected: Back To The Basics 7-14-09

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ETFs—An Investment Option by Jeff Loertscher

ETFs—An Investment Option Some students have had interest in Exchange-Traded Funds. It for this purpose I am writing to those students today. Many recognize my view on mutual funds. I feel strongly that are one of the greatest investment options available because of the diversification aspect within them. However, they can be expensive including fund fees, potential load fees, 12b-1 fees, and other fees. To remedy this I have proposed Index Funds because they can accomplish the objective of diversification and fulfill the concept of Modern Portfolio Theory, while reducing […]

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Finding Your Niche Market by Adam Mortimer

Finding a niche market for many is a daunting task. It truly can be like finding a needle in a hay stack. I would like to offer a few suggestions that may help you find a niche in your desired market. The first step is to find a product that you feel you would enjoy selling. This may be a product that you currently use. Brainstorm at least 20 products. Once you have thought of 20 products the next step is to narrow it down to 5. Once you have […]

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

This week Lorin shares another great testimonial about the success of the financial coaching program.

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