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EBay By Adam Mortimer

EBay is one of the quickest ways that I know of for the average person to make some extra money. You will want to start out by selling some things that you have around the house. Try to come up with at least 10 things that you could put on eBay. Commit to getting started immediately. Successful people are also consistent action takers. My students hear me say this constantly. It is important to do and not only learn. There are a lot of people that listen to my seminars […]

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Compounding By: Adam Mortimer

Why is compound interest crucial to your long term success with money? As my millionaire mentor put it while talking about compounding interest, “there are those that understand it and those that don’t, those that understand it will earn it and those that don’t will pay it.” What side of the equation do you want to be on? Compound interest is where you interest earns interest. How much would you have if you took one penny and doubled it for 31 days? The number may blow your mind. To figure […]

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Protected: Money Making Opportunities 8-11-09

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Growing In A Shrinking Economy By Adam Mortimer

You can prosper even when times are tough. A lot of people are doing it. What is it going to take to excel with the finances in rough financial times? It will definitely take a mindset of frugality and looking for ways to make more money . There are a lot of things that you can do to make more money. Getting out there and taking action can really be the hardest part. Prosper has provided so much information on how to do this. Use the power of focus and […]

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