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Protected: Compound Interest Finance Coaching Call 8-25-09

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Compounding By: Adam Mortimer

Why is compound interest crucial to your long term success with money? As my millionaire mentor put it while talking about compounding interest, “there are those that understand it and those that don’t, those that understand it will earn it and those that don’t will pay it.” What side of the equation do you want to be on? Compound interest is where you interest earns interest. How much would you have if you took one penny and doubled it for 31 days? The number may blow your mind. To figure […]

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Do You Believe? By: Adam Mortimer

What are the limiting beliefs that you have about money that has held you back from accomplishing true wealth? Do you believe that money does not grow on trees? Do you believe that money is evil? Do you believe deep down that it is better to be poor than to be wealthy? When was the last time you took a look in the mirror to question the negative biases that you hold against yourself? I would like to give you a short and sweet message today. The message is to […]

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

This week Lorin shares yet another inspirational story from our students.

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