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EBay By Adam Mortimer

EBay is one of the quickest ways that I know of for the average person to make some extra money. You will want to start out by selling some things that you have around the house. Try to come up with at least 10 things that you could put on eBay. Commit to getting started immediately. Successful people are also consistent action takers. My students hear me say this constantly. It is important to do and not only learn. There are a lot of people that listen to my seminars […]

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We’re not suggesting you go to these lengths!

This is frugality that has become a sickness, we don’t recommend anyone take it this far, but it’s quite interesting to watch. The video is in 6 parts, go to youtube to watch the rest.

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Why Are We Not Seeing Inflation Yet? By Adam Mortimer

What causes inflation? There are two main things that impact inflation and that is the money supply and velocity. Money supply is how much money is in the system. With all the government spending that has been going on to prop up the failing economy there is plenty of money out there. The money supply has more than doubled. The Fed’s balance sheet went from 928 Billion to 2.1 trillion dollars in a very short amount of time. So, why are we not seeing inflation yet? The answer to that […]

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

This week Lorin shares another great story from one of our many successful students.

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