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Stop Being A Pack Rat By: Adam Mortimer

Over time I have noticed a correlation between those that keep stuff that they do not need and people having problems with debt. What is a pack rat you may say? Well if you answer yes to the following questions you may be a pack rat. Do you still have three toasters you have never used, from your wedding? Do you have more than one lawn mower? Do you park your car outside of the garage to make room for your stuff? Do you buy stuff and never end up […]

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Is this really what’s coming? What do you think?

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The Stock Market By: Adam Mortimer

For majority of Americans their retirement will depend largely on their stock investments. Many shy away from learning about the stock Market  because it is “too scary and complicated”. In this age of information there are plenty of opportunities to learn what you need to know in order to be an effective investor. There are websites that will help you with definitions and websites that will teach you investment basics. The last thing that we want for any of our students to do is blindly follow the advice of a […]

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Others are doing it, how about you?

Three words that describe the truly wealthy in this country: Frugal, Frugal, Frugal!

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