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Weekly Financial Coaching Podcast

This week Lorin shares another amazing and inspiring testimonial from one of our many successful students.

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Protected: Fear and Procrastination GC 3-24-2010

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Procrastination Bug By Adam Mortimer

Stress and the blues can cause procrastination. As I researched the causes of procrastination I was surprised to find that stress and having a case of the blues is linked to the procrastination bug. It makes a lot of sense. If you are not feeling good, you are not going to want to do anything. Not doing anything will only make things worse. There is a saying that, an object and rest will remain at rest. If you want to fight against the procrastination bug, you must guard yourself against […]

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Yard Sales By Adam Mortimer

With a down economy many are looking for ways to make some extra money. 300 dollars for many can mean the difference between success and failure with your finances. Yard selling is not for everybody, it can be that little extra that makes all the difference. Remember it is all about multiple sources of income! It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. For those interested in yard selling craigslist is going to be your best friend. You can find a list of all […]

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