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Frugal Your Way to Wealth

By Brice Hogan I want to take some time and really delve into the problem that we have as a nation in wasting the money we spend and how to avoid it and gain real wealth. I want to start out with an observation that most people make including myself on occasion. I grew up in Michigan in a fairly affluent area. My family was not rich by any stretch of the imagination but we knew or thought we knew some family’s who were, and another family who appeared to […]

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by Micah Richards I was talking to a friend of mine who was struggling with her finances. She was frustrated, and did not have any self confidence in working with her finances. I gave her a few tips, and talked about her finances with her. She really did not have a lot of debt, and was good with her money. She was just not confident in her spending habits. Today I just want to talk to everyone about having the confidence in yourself to achieve your financial goals. Why set […]

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Money Market Funds

From Mich Richards A question I have been getting recently is what is a money market fund, and why would I want one? Most people assume money market accounts are only for banks or credit unions. Brokerage firms also offer money market accounts. They are often called: Money Market Funds. If you have extra money in your brokerage account, like for example in between trades or you are decided on what to purchase, the money market fund will earn interest on the money you have that is not invested. The […]

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More on the Millionaire Next Door

Many studies have been taken on the millionaire population in the US. The numbers vary. Some wealth surveyors suggest that in the US alone there are 8.4 million households worth between 1 million and 10 million dollars. I personally believe the number is half that, at around 4.5 million household whom have managed to accumulate that wealth. The larger number is probably accurate for the entire world. Allegedly, the number is growing rapidly. So who are these newly minted millionaires? What are their tastes? Do they suddenly become snooty and […]

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