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Go Natural and Save Big!

By Dan Christiansen Americans are all talking about the price of gasoline and now how much it costs to fill up their tank. They also realize that with the high price of diesel fuel, it is causing all the other items at the store to go up too. It is taking a bite out of everyone’s finances every time they make a purchase. Everyone hopes that eventually the economy will settle down and gas prices will fall down respectfully. The problem is that according to an Associated Press article that […]

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My View on Today’s Debt

By Robert Moore In todays times we all feel the crunch of keeping food on the table and keeping the creditors at bay, and yet everywhere we look there is a new ad saying buy this and buy that and most people are lured into the trap of just putting it on the credit card and make small monthly payments to have it payed off in just under 25 yrs with all the insanity in finance going on it is nice to know that if a person will just listen […]

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Fight Rising Food Costs

by Brice Hogan Many consumers are hurting under the current financial situation. With rising gas prices and food prices it is starting to really eat into peoples budgets. I was watching a news report the other day that reported it has gotten so bad in the upper Midwest that they are turning off power to family’s homes because they can’t afford the payment. Scary as that seems this trend looks like it will continue for near future, some say longer but we’ll see what happens. People generally have the sky […]

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By John Packard Between the gas pump and the grocery checkout, Americans have plenty of reasons to list inflation as Economic Enemy No. 1. Is inflation really that bad? The government has been very effective in manipulationg the numbers. They have an incentive to do so. If inflation is kept artificially low, there is less of a strain on government subsidy payments to the masses. In other words, social security cost of living increases are much smaller and more acceptable. Why would they every want to pay a cost of […]

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