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7/14 Graduate Call Outline

Topic: Roth vs. Traditional IRA I. Basic Provisions and Restrictions of each A. Income tax treatment B. Contribution limits C. Income eligibility D. Withdrawal ages E. Early withdrawals: Penalties and exceptions F. Deductibility Phase-out Range II. Advantages of the Traditional IRA A. Tax deferred aspects B. High Tax Bracket now C. Low Tax Bracket in Retirement III. Advantages of the Roth IRA A. Tax Aspects B. Early Withdrawals C. Predictability D. Disposition at Death IV. Summary A. Factors to Consider in Choosing B. Can have both

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Energy, Inflation, and a helpless Fed

This is a very interesting article that paints a pretty dim picture of the future of the economy. It discusses how skyrocketing energy prices, a weakening dollar, and growing inflation have eroded household purchasing power. The Feds hands are tied as they can’t raise rates to slow inflation because banks need the expanded credit and liquidity to stay afloat themselves. “This is starting to feel like Jimmy Carter and the 1970s all over again,”. Not a pretty picture to say the least!

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The Prepared Pantry

By Gail Long Just as the Boy Scouts have “Be Preparedâ€? as a motto, we need to have a Prepared Pantry. This is not just for major disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or earthquakes; it can be as simple as an increase in gas prices, loss of a job, or even no overtime at your job. In these uncertain times it is necessary to build and maintain our pantries so we can always feed our families. It may not be their favorite meal, but no one wants their family […]

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Removing Bankruptcy Off Your Credit File

By Michael Sites So many of us want to have an improved credit file and FICO score, however, often times the only thing holding us back is a previous bankruptcy or foreclosure. We exclaim, “Isn’t there anything that can be done!â€? I believe there can be. Among so many other techniques to improve your credit, you can actually have items like bankruptcy and foreclosure removed from your credit file. Some will say, “Is a bankruptcy supposed to stay on your credit for 7-10 years?â€? The answer is no. The maximum […]

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