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Your first and most important lesson

Enjoy this classic SNL skit

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Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals by Adam Mortimer

Goal setting is perhaps one of the most important tools we can use to help us get to where we want to be. Setting goals give purpose to what we are doing each day. It is important that we break our big goals into smaller more manageable goals. Set your goal and work backwards. By doing this we set out a specific plan that could be followed each day. Writing out your goals can be an important step to success. By writing down our goals we organize our thoughts and […]

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We have met the enemy…

I thought this was a very relevant and interesting article. In it Knight Kiplinger, Kiplinger’s editor in chief states that our current economic woes are our own doing. “The nation’s perennial overconsumption and undersaving lie at the root of our economic challenges today.” It’s our own addiction to consumption that has brought us to this point. “Most of our economic wounds are self-inflicted, stemming from our inability to live within our means.” We spend spend spend and save nothing. “America’s household savings rate hovers at just about zero and has […]

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Making Money Online By Adam Mortimer

One of the most popular ways to make money from home is setting up an online business. The problem that many people run into is getting started. The first step to setting up a successful online business is to get you feet wet. Some great websites that can help you do just that are eBay and craigslist. EBay is the largest online auction website in the world and craigslist is a free online classified ad website. You will want to familiarize yourself with these two websites. It might be a […]

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