
Business Technology 102

The computer is the heart of an office technology. Which kind should you get? Mac is better for graphics and web design Mac is less vulnerable to viruses Mac is intuitive PC is more compatible with other PCs Most other businesses use PCs Most software programs are written for PCs More vulnerable to viruses Some technical operations you should do every two weeks Run disk clean up every two weeks Run defrag every two weeks In MS Explorer or Fire Fox browsers delete cookies every two weeks Back up date […]

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Protected: Ent. Graduate Call 1-28-09

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Business Technology 101

In this series of posts, we will cover Business Technology and websites. Many business owners may feel overwhelmed when it comes to staying up on the latest and greatest technology which boasts to improve business efficiency. We will cover many of the common issues related to this topic. Learning Objectives: What equipment is right for your business How to research the right equipment Which is best PC or Mac Implement computer systems 10 things that slow down your computer What to do to keep computers running well What the best […]

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ENT. Divison Podcast 1-26-09

This week in the Entrepreneurship podcast we explore the elective class schedule, 3 brand new elective classes for February, and Google’s online keyword demand tool. Here are the new titles for February: 1) Hot Products, Markets, and Businesses 2) Manage Websites and Technology 3) Running a Successful Business 101 https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal

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