Entrepreneurial Optimism 102

How to develop it if you have it?
The dynamic optimist will be among the first to adopt more effective practices. Effective optimism requires more than a belief that things will improve; it requires actively searching for and creating novel approaches. The optimist should evaluate each idea, each method on its merits, being quick to try fresh approaches where they appear to offer advantages. The optimistic personality can be further developed by continually seeking out better ways of doing things. Optimists see the self as a process not a static entity. This allows them to identify with improving their ideas, methods, and practices, rather than desperately needing to be seen as right.

As an Optimist, expecting success or at least learning from their experiments, you should not be paralyzed by fear of failure. You should keep your mind on their goals and this aspect will drive you toward the vision. While valuing who you are now, you have to constantly strive to become ever better. True optimists may be satisfied with their progress, but they are never self-satisfied in thinking they are the best they can be. To develop into a dynamic optimist, continually seek to improve yourselves.

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