What Will the New Year Bring?

It is a time of introspection and resolve. It is a time for business owners and self-employed individuals everywhere to stand up and rally around the cause of making next year better than last. How will you go about this monumental task? Many faint-hearted and inexperienced entrepreneurs have let another year come and go, and failed to accomplish all of the goals and milestones which were once set in stone at the beginning of 2007. What can you do to not repeat this from happening again?

The real question is not how to avoid bad things happening to your business; the real question is how to do we ensure that good things do. The age-old adage of you get out of something what you put into it applies. Business planning is something that many business owners and entrepreneurs tend to push to the back burner. Spontaneity and charisma overide many of the meetings that should be dedicated to planning and business strategy. In addition to setting the usual New Year’s resolutions this year, try spending an hour or two on the over-arching strategy for the business in 2008.

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