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The Beauty of the iPhone Hype

It is days till the release of the anticipated iPhone, and yet there are millions of posts and websites and articles and press releases and general chatter about this new phone that will revolutionize cell phones.  The coolest thing about the hype that is surronding this phone (one expert is calling it a handheld computer) is that much of it is viral.  There are reports of some die-hard Apple / Mac users camping out in front of stores to be the first to get one.  Apple has made some great strategic moves […]

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Franchising: Is it the Right Choice for You?

By Bill Cherry Every year thousands of prospective business owners want to buy a franchise business. Some franchises are very good, and others are scams. Below is some helpful information everyone considering investing in a franchise should know. What is franchising? A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name or advertising symbol, and an individual or group seeking the right to use that identification in a business. Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services that are supplied by the franchiser […]

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Blogging- How do You know Someone’s Serious?

What do you mean? How can you imply that someone isn’t serious? Well like most hobbies, people have various degrees of seriousness with which they approach hobbies.  You can generally tell when a blogger is serious by the following: Frequency of posts Length of posts Topics and effort put into posts Designed for income generation Linking within posts This obviously isn’t a catch all for blogging but is a pretty good start. So the real question is…what does this have to do with me? Well the fact of the matter […]

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