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Being on Time for Meetings

One of the cardinal sins of business is being late for meetings. Some problems that most entrepreneurs may have are a lack of focus, lack of attention to detail, and too many irons in the fire to begin with.  One of the things that has helped many people is to either : use a planner (Franklin Planner, etc.) use a PDA (Palm, smart phone, etc.) get a watch ( surprisingly many entrepreneurs don’t wear watches) plan ahead (surprisingly many entrepreneurs don’t plan out their day) Nothing says I am not ‘on top’ […]

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Franchising: Is it the Right Choice for You?

By Bill Cherry Every year thousands of prospective business owners want to buy a franchise business. Some franchises are very good, and others are scams. Below is some helpful information everyone considering investing in a franchise should know. What is franchising? A franchise is a legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, trade name or advertising symbol, and an individual or group seeking the right to use that identification in a business. Generally, a franchisee sells goods or services that are supplied by the franchiser […]

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