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Protected: Ent Grad Call 10-8-08

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What’s up with going GREEN? – A Look into Solar Energy Pt.2

What is the best solution for small businesses? We have limited capital, a slowing economy, and a problem we haven’t faced before. Is wind energy our answer, solar energy, natural gas, clean coal? I believe solar is the best alternative to help small businesses reduce energy costs. We have the technology, the manufacturing and supply of all components needed to implement solar energy use. But we will also need to wind and other sources available. Right now solar energy is the best, most affordable and easiest choice to begin with. […]

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A Quick Tip On Direct Mail

Direct mail: Best way to target specific customers. Must know your customers. Advantages are target specific customer groups, target geographical areas, target business categories, and personal residential. Post cards are very inexpensive to print and to mail. You can create very large post cards to get more attention. Be sure to get the requirements from the Post Office Mailing department on where the address and other information goes. Mailers using letters and envelops can be very effective, especially if hand addressed. They are much more expensive. Magazine Advantages: -Best for […]

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What to Know About Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising, the Theater of Your Mind Radio advertising, like magazine advertising focuses on narrow segments of the listening audience. If you want to reach young white teens, there is a radio station that attracts that demographic group. Do you want to advertise to young males age 25-34, there is a radio station format for that group? Radio stations can deliver every specific demographic target a business could want. Radio also targets life style traits of listeners such as country or rap listeners. Advantages of Radio Advertising The biggest advantage […]

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