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What Drives You

As an entrepreneur, what is it that drives you? Is it money? Is it the challenge? The competition? Or is it the opportunity to build and work with a great team? Is it he synergy created when 2 or more people work together with the same purpose that excites you? Whatever it is that’s driving you, a Nobel Prize winning economists has found that it’s not money that drives the best entrepreneurs. Find out what does. What Drives the Best Entrepreneurs?

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8 Hot Industries for Start Ups

Thinking of starting a business? Would you like to create social media games or start a virtual data site? How about starting a travel agency or selling shoes online? Check out the article below and see if any of these ideas get you excited. 8 Hot Industries for Start Ups in 2013

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12 Tips for Small Business Owners

Barbara Corcoran, one of the stars on “Shark Tank” and author of several books on business shares her 12 best tips for small business success. A couple of my favorites include: 1. Don’t be afraid to make big mistakes. Most success comes on the heels of failure. 5. Make a Marketplace Report Create an industry report with lots of statistics and numbers and put your company’s name on it. Reporters need experts to quote and that could mean free publicity. 10. Make a System for Everything You Need to do […]

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The Power of Emotional Attachment

Emotional Brand Attachment is becoming more and more important in the marketing world. As a marketer, your job is to influence your potential customers to take action and become actual customers. In order to influence, you need to connect emotionally. You need people to feel the need to take action, to buy your product, click deeper into your website, or to take whatever action you want them to take. Think about the most successful brands and products out there. Without fail these are brands and products to which people feel […]

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