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How to Create an Advertising Campaign

June 23, 2010 by Bill Cherry Creating an advertising campaign starts with defining three things: 1. Establish an objective 2. Develop a strategy 3. Create the tactics to accomplish the strategy 1. Establish an objective- what do we want to accomplish? Increase sales dollars, sales percentages, or sell a certain number of units. There can also be non monetary objectives such as developing the image or awareness of a product, service, or person. 2. Develop a strategy- the strategy is the thinking and planning how to accomplish the objective. Will […]

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Get Started in Marketing

June 19, 2010 By Bill Cherry Many business owners and managers think that sales is marketing. That’s not exactly correct. Sales is part on marketing. In business classes there is a principle called the four “P”s of marketing. They are Price, Place, Promotion, and Product. All marketing activities fall into one of those categories. Marketing means different things to different business people. If you ask ten business professionals what marketing is, you will get ten different answers. My view is that a business exists to earn money, not to improve […]

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Three Ways to Grow a Business

June 16, 2010 1. Get More customers 2. 2. Get customers to buy more 3. 3. get customers to buy more often 1. Get more customers Most business owners and managers use advertising to get more customers. In fact, they often spend 50% of their marketing budget on advertising. They generally use radio, TV, newspaper, direct mail and a few other mediums. Each of those mediums can generate new business if they are used correctly. The problem is most owners don’t know which kind of advertising to use. Every day […]

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Easy Steps of Selling Anyone Can Do

Bill Cherry The Magic of the 12 Reasons to Buy Create Your Story How to Handle Objections Use Sales Aids Create a Recontact Program See 5 prospects per week give info The Magic of the 12 Reasons to Buy: Why should anyone buy from you? How is your business different from the competition? Most businesses compete on price Overcome the price focus. What benefits can you offer, or bundle together? Introduction: Every business owner needs to know basic sales skills. You don’t have to be a great sales person. Selling […]

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