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New Year’s Business Resolutions

Every year millions of people make New Year’s Resolutions fully intending on maintaining, measuring, evaluating, and keeping them. Likewise, millions of those same people never end up seeing those resolutions through to the end. One of the inherent problems in setting goals is that the idea of a goal for many people is often scary, nebulous, and intangible. A goal is too often something that is just as easy to break as it is to make. Here is a list of 7 things to make your New Year’s Resolutions a […]

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True Entrepreneurial Optimism

What is it? An optimistic entrepreneur looks upon the world as a positive place. Optimism is undoubtedly an entrepreneur’s most valuable asset. It is the will to learn from the past, overcome the present, and make a future. It encourages entrepreneurs to believe in what others never thought was possible, trudge on when it is easier to quit, and strive to improve what is already good. He always has a “positive” outlook on life, believing that things will work out in the end. Optimism makes entrepreneurs believe that he/she can […]

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Entrepreneurial Exit Strategies

With the fun and lazy Labor Day holiday behind us, we begin to look at life goals. What would it take for everyday to be a Labor Day holiday? What do I need to do to be able to go boating out on the lake with family, or travel, or do nothing all day if I wanted? Let’s project months, or years down the road into the future and start looking at exit strategies. I suppose one of the first things you need to have is a goal to exit.  […]

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Hiring in a Tight Market

I have become increasingly aware of how difficult it has become to hire the right person in a market where unemployment is seeing record lows.  Jim Collins, best selling author of Good to Great, admonishes getting the “right people on the bus”. People that buy off on the vision and direction of the bus.  Once on the bus, one must make sure that they are all in the “right seat”, but most importantly is getting the right people. So the real dilemma becomes finding the “right people” in a market […]

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