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What to Know About Radio Advertising

Radio Advertising, the Theater of Your Mind Radio advertising, like magazine advertising focuses on narrow segments of the listening audience. If you want to reach young white teens, there is a radio station that attracts that demographic group. Do you want to advertise to young males age 25-34, there is a radio station format for that group? Radio stations can deliver every specific demographic target a business could want. Radio also targets life style traits of listeners such as country or rap listeners. Advantages of Radio Advertising The biggest advantage […]

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Quick Tip for TV Commercials

Pay for the cost of producing a good TV commercial For an effective and inexpensive way to get your message on the TV screen, consider using pre-prepared TV commercials that may be available to you through a manufacture or distributor you deal with. For example, if you sell Toro lawn mowers, Toro has spots already produced and ready for you to use. You can add your name and logo to the end of the commercial for little or no cost. Look at cooperative advertising too. Many companies offer prepared advertising […]

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What You Need to Know About Advertising Using TV

All about advertising media: Topics covered: • It all starts with ‘Who Your Customer is.â€? • TV: The most powerful media, advantages and disadvantages and how to use it • Radio: The affordable media, advantages and disadvantages • Newspaper: The grand-daddy of media, how to and not to use it • Yellow pages: Small business’ best advertising • Direct Mail: The best media to target customers • Magazines: The image builder Introduction: Who are your customers? In my 25 years of working in the advertising and marketing business, I have […]

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