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Hiring in a Tight Market

I have become increasingly aware of how difficult it has become to hire the right person in a market where unemployment is seeing record lows.  Jim Collins, best selling author of Good to Great, admonishes getting the “right people on the bus”. People that buy off on the vision and direction of the bus.  Once on the bus, one must make sure that they are all in the “right seat”, but most importantly is getting the right people. So the real dilemma becomes finding the “right people” in a market […]

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Creating Raving Fans

A recent book that I was introduced to, and readily would recommend to any person, but especially business owners is Raving Fans: a Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service.  This book written by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles is a fantastic read for anyone looking to truly transform their business into a customer-oriented enterprise. I don’t want to give too much away, but the basic premise of the book talks about deciding what it is you want, discovering what the customers want, and finally delivering results plus 1 (or overdelivering).  What I […]

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The Power of an Offsite Retreat

I recently attended an offsite retreat at a cabin up in the mountains.  It was a brisk morning with some fantastic trainings, and great insights from a management training book. I was really impressed because of the mental shift the entire group mase over the course of one morning, and it led me to anaylze why this might have been the case? Sometimes when you introduce a new concept or are rolling out a new philosophy, a change in mindset, or looking to set the proverbial bar higher, it is […]

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Customer Created Content: The Fastest Growing Media on the Internet

By Bill Cherry  What do your customers want? That is the age old question retailers have been asking for decades. At first marketers used trial and error to determine what customers want. Then statistical research came into the marketing scene and gave us much more specific data. As the Internet developed, e-mail evolved into a popular data collection tool. And now, Web 2.0 with social networks, blogs, and online forums is again changing the cyber landscape for marketers. The fastest growing media on the Internet is that created by consumers […]

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