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Protected: 2.9.2011 Publish your book

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Publish Your Book

How does a person bridge the enormous gap between a manuscript and a book? There are three options: trade (commercial) publishing, subsidy (vanity) publishing, or self-publishing. Commercial publishers are the so-called “giants” in the industry. Forty-five percent of all sales are monopolized by five major publishers today: Unfortunately, they’re so big they no longer hear the voice of the little person. Continuing corporate mergers and take-overs compound the problem. Unless you are famous (or infamous), your manuscript has little chance of making it through the corporate front door. And even […]

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Protected: 1.19.2011 Why Your Sales are Low

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You are Loosing Sales and What to Do About it

Nothing happens until something is sold. Most businesses fail because they don’t have enough sales. Why? Several reasons. The three main causes of low sales are poor customer service, poor products, poor sales practices, and no USP. Low Sales- not seeing enough prospects is the number one reason a business’ sales are low. Solutions for these problems will be discussed later in this report. Customer Service- There are two sources of income for a business, revenue from current accounts, and revenue from new business. Poor customer service can certainly pull […]

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