
Stock Graduate Call Notes 6-19-14: Using Weekly Options

Weekly Options Weekly options have come about as a result of increased volume on options trading. These weekly options are every bit the same as the monthly options. They contain the same right to buy or sell stock at whatever the set strike price. The only difference is that they expire each Friday. At first, weekly options were introduced 1 week at a time. For instance, a June Week 1 would be introduced that would expire the first Friday of June. A June Week 2 would follow the next week. […]

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Protected: Forex Graduate Call 6-17-14: Determining Stop Loss

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Protected: Stock Graduate Call 6-12-14: Open Forum

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Stock Graduate Call Notes 6-12-14: Open Forum

Exit Covered Calls Early with Gain? Normally with a covered call trade, we are not looking to exit early, especially if the stock has gained value.  Under most circumstances, the cost of buying back the option will offset the premium received, plus any potential gain in selling the stock.  You usually are better off letting your stock be called out.  Even if you are really bullish on the stock, most cases would work out better by having your stock called out and then buying back the shares at a higher […]

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