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Double Top Pattern on SPX

Will the double top formation confirm?  Stay tuned, could be early next week. By Carl Anderson

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A Real Dilemma

The stock market is facing a turning point – Up or Down?  With all the protests in Europe, China threatening war with Japan, US election, Israel VS Iran, not to mention a market due for a correction, one would think the market will turn down for a bit.  BUT WAIT!  Ben Bernanke is betting $40 billion dollars a month that it won’t go down.  So… which way will it go?  

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Bernanke Comes to the Rescue

Here is Art Cashin talking about why the markets continue higher when the data suggests otherwise:

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Be Bullish! But… Exercise Caution

This market just made a very bullish break to the upside.  Things are looking great!  However don’t trust it just yet… By Carl Anderson

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