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Are We Going Over the Fiscal Cliff?

There’s a lot of talk in the market about the fiscal cliff.  Some say were going to go over the cliff and some say that we’re going to avoid it.  So what exactly is the fiscal cliff:

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The Elections Over! the aftermath…

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As We Approach the Election

As we edge closer and closer to election day how does the market normally act?  Typically if there seems to be a clear winner the market starts reacting to that candidates policies. Here is what Art Cashin has to say about the market right now:

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Triple Top?

The double top pattern on the $SPX did not give confirmation.  Now it is showing a triple top.  Will it confirm this time?  Only time will tell.  Earnings season is off to a bad start and is weighing on the market.  AAPL is going to have an interesting week next week.  Tip:  Don’t trade AAPL next week… By Carl Anderson

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