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Protected: Stock Graduate Call 6-26-14: Trade Exits

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Stock Graduate Call Notes 6-26-14: Trade Exits

Determining Trade Exits There are numerous factors that can determine when to exit a trade. Since so many factors can affect the reasoning for exiting, it would benefit traders greatly to already have an exit strategy in place before even venturing into a trade. Factors will include how aggressive or how conservative we are as traders. Are we taking a gamble or are we taking a thought out safe approach? Are we looking at this as a short term or long term trade? Are we trading the stock or are […]

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Protected: Stock Graduate Call 6-19-14: Using Weekly Options

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Stock Graduate Call Notes 6-19-14: Using Weekly Options

Weekly Options Weekly options have come about as a result of increased volume on options trading. These weekly options are every bit the same as the monthly options. They contain the same right to buy or sell stock at whatever the set strike price. The only difference is that they expire each Friday. At first, weekly options were introduced 1 week at a time. For instance, a June Week 1 would be introduced that would expire the first Friday of June. A June Week 2 would follow the next week. […]

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