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Bad Market?

Current Market Conditions and Determining Strategy By: Carl Anderson

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50 day MA retests

Hey Gang, We have spoken about the 50-day Moving average alot.  This market is battling that average and many individual stocks are playing around the average.  A couple weeks ago in the blog on 50-day MAs, we showed how many stocks were breaking above the 50-day MA and explained the bullishness of that action.  Many of the stocks that captured the 50-day MA moved higher and recent market activity is creating a buyable pullback.  Below are stocks that are retesting the moving average.  Buying on successful restests is one of […]

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Understanding LEAPS

The option term LEAPS stands for: Long Term Equity AnticiPation Securities. This may be a new term for beginners or an old term for most traders. If it’s a new term for you then this should be an educational blog for you. If it’s not new then still read on as this should provide some extra information that a lot of options traders don’t consider or use when they trade LEAPS.  LEAPS are generally considered options that expire way out in the future; typically 9 months or more. Usually when […]

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Capture the 50!

Hey Gang, What a day in the market!  Some key issues were resolved today fundamentally. Goldman Sachs earnings didn’t indicate company failure Best Buy reported better than expected earnings…giving hope that Christmas will come to retail. Fed stepped up and showed a commitment to continue its monetary easing policies. With that being said, from a technical standpoint, many stocks and even the market were sitting on their 50-day moving average.  The positive news in the market today gave the bulls the needed catalyst to take back control of the 50 […]

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