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2009-The year of the OX

Hey Gang, With today being the New Year in China, I am posting some China stocks that I follow closely.  The Chinese market is very volatile and not for the feint of heart, but with some well calculated decisions, money can be made very quickly.  Keep an eye on the support levels…I used the Vol by Price indicator to put the volume on the y-axis.  This allows you to see where most of the price action is for potential levels of support and resistance. Happy Trades, Jeff

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Protected: Determining Trends & Bounces

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Housing Correction

Hey Gang, Check out this link…It is an opinion on the housing issue. Housing Correction Later, Jeff

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Coal in Black?

Hey Gang, Last post today…sorry to bombard you…just a lot of interesting activity over the past week. I was reading through the earnings report just put out by Burlington Northern (BNI).  Their coal revenues were up 19%.  Not a huge number, but the market has devalued coal and coal stocks to a point where any good news could be a great long term catalyst.  Check out the leap options on some of the following companies to potentially play a long term recovery in coal. BTU, JRCC, PCX, KOL, ACI Happy […]

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