
Graduate Call Notes 10-9-14: Foreclosures, Part 1

Today we started to discuss the details of investors tapping into the area of foreclosures. There are different areas of foreclosure and each of them have pro’s and con’s that we can learn more about to determine which area is of most interest for each investor. Pre-foreclosure: This is when in our descriptive case, a homeowner financially has issues and they in turn quit paying on their mortgage. We as investors can assist them by educating them on what their options are at this starting point of foreclosure. The homeowner […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 10-9-14: Foreclosures, Part 1

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Graduate Call Notes 10-2-14: Note Brokering

Note brokering brings in income: Today we talked about an example of how brokering of notes is a great way for more income. This is one of the ways that doesn’t require money or good credit to benefit from. As an investor we can look at the public county records of homes and see who is the lien holder that holds the 1st mortgage. In most cases it will be a bank name. Sometimes one can see an individual’s name. A call or letter can be made to them to […]

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