

SINGLE-FAMILY RENTALS SHADOW APARTMENTS The effect of single family rentals on apartment rents has varied widely across the country. The size of the pool of single family homes and condominiums in relation to the number of apartment units is a major factor in the relationship. In some markets, such as Miami and Phoenix the “shadow marketâ€? (i.e.the number of houses and condominiums being offered for rent is so large relative to the number of apartment units that it results in reductions in the apartment rents. Contrast that effect with cities […]

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Fear of Regulation G. M. Filisko – Nattional Real Estate Investor – Apr 1, 2008 The drumbeat for reform in the residential mortgage market due to lax underwriting standards has been growing in recent months, but there has been virtually no push for regulation of commercial mortgage lenders. Why? Industry experts say that the size and complexity of commercial real estate deals requires a high degree of transparency that generally precludes the kind of abuses that have surfaced in the residential sector. Besides, experts add, regulations today won’t do much […]

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NAR Latest Market Forecast

As real estate investors, we want to be as informed and knowledgeable as possible. It is important to keep up with current events facing the real estate market by reading articles, magazines, internet sites, talking with people in the industry, etc. One of my personal favorite sites for good up-to-date real estate news is www.money.cnn.com. Click on the Real Estate tab and you will be able to access great news and reports on the real estate market. I also love statistics and numbers. I like hearing peoples’ opinions and takes […]

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Looking For a Good Market?

Many investors are increasingly looking to invest in areas outside of their local market. While I believe it is almost always best to invest where you live, there can be reasons why investing in a different market makes sense. If you are going to be looking in other markets, it is critically important that you build a team, sufficiently research the market, do your due diligence and most importantly don’t take anyone else’s word for anything – do your own homework (with the help of others of course). Forbes put […]

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