
Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 6-30-08

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Remember the Basics

Most, if not all, investors at some point in their investing careers get frustrated and feel like they are spinning their wheels. Real estate investing can be very much like a roller coaster with many ups and downs and peaks and valleys. One of the most effective ways to minimize the frustration from being in a valley is to make sure the basics of your business are covered. Master the basics and don’t let the minutia of advanced strategies or confusing transactions cause you to lose sight of the simplicity […]

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Good News on the Horizon?

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson predicted Tuesday that U.S. housing prices would stabilize by year’s end and overall economic growth would improve by then. In an interview on Mexican television, Paulson said the global economy was being strained by costly energy, but that overall the U.S. economic fundamentals are strong. “I feel moderately optimistic that at the end of the year we will have signs of an economic recovery,” Paulson said. “Hopefully the biggest part of the housing decline will be over by the end of the year.” Source: Reuters […]

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What is Real Market Value?

Understanding the true market value of a property is one of the most important things you will need to do as an investor. Before you can make an offer or buy a deal you must know what it is worth. The best way to start your research in determining market value is getting recent sale information of comparable properties in the same area. We frequently refer to these as “compsâ€?. You need to be very careful using on-line estimates for what homes are worth. They are interesting to look at […]

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