

The article below discusses prices in apartments in recent months and compares them to prices for single family home prices in the same time frame. While Single Family Prices Make Biggest Drop in S&P Index’s History, Apartment Prices Show Signs of Flattening Published: October 28, 2008 By Anuradha Kher, Online News Editor, Multi-Housing News New York–Even though the apartment sector had the highest returns over the past 12 months among all commercial real estate types at +0.4 percent, prices remained flat, according to Standard & Poor’s July results for the […]

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Prosper Weekly Podcast 11-17-08

Prosper Weekly Podcast 11-17-08

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Bank Owned Auctions

Hopefully all of us as investors have an aggressive strategy for finding potential deals. I have people asking me all the time if they should be looking here or there for properties. My answer is almost always yes. I tell people to look anywhere they possibly can for potential deals with the understanding that they should always be looking for motivated sellers. Banks are typically motivated sellers and, in my opinion, are increasingly becoming more motivated because of the sheer numbers of properties going into foreclosure. Typically banks hire real […]

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Options When Facing Foreclosure

Continuing with the theme from my last blog post, I thought I’d post a thought on actually working short sale deals. When working short sales a big part of your job will be educating the seller or homeowner you are assisting on the entire foreclosure process. I particularly like the seven options mentioned in the note below that homeowners have when facing foreclosure. Laying out these options to sellers and homeowners will give them a clear picture of their options and lend credibility to you as an investor/buyer. How to […]

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