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10 Cities Where List Prices Soared in the Last Year

Daily Real Estate News | Thursday, January 26, 2012 List prices are heating up in Florida, as recovery takes hold in the Sunshine State. Florida boasts the highest number of cities in the top 10 for largest increases in median list prices in the last year. In Miami alone, median list prices have jumped 32 percent in the last year. Nationwide, median list prices have inched up 5.03 percent from December 2010 to December 2011, according to data. The following cities are where median list prices have increased the […]

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Has the Housing Market Finally Hit Bottom?

By Morgan Brennan, January 10, 2012 Has the U.S. housing market hit a bottom? Do we have further to go? When will a recovery start? These are the questions every homeowner and real estate investor are currently asking themselves — or should be. Wall Street firms have optimistically been betting that the bottom’s here. Research firms like Zelman & Associates predict the sector will pick up this year and hedge funds have been jumping into real estate-related investments from brick-and-mortar building purchases to shares of home builders stocks. In […]

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Protected: RE Grad Call – Investing Outside Your Market 12-29-2011

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Protected: RE Grad Call – Creating a Plan 12-1-2011

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