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Real Estate Investor Resources

Real estate investors need to use the benefits of the internet and use free websites that can allow them to understand more about specific properties and areas. We can not just rely on others but we need to learn how to back up what others on our team might tell us about properties and areas. We can search for a particular area or zip code to bring up properties. After focusing on a particular property we can click on the google map of the property and click on the […]

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Housing Market Bottom will Signal Recovery

A recent survey of participants at the Southeast chapter of the Real Estate Investment Advisory Council included a survey of the 165 participants to obtain their views on when the current recession would end. These participants whose primary focus is commercial real estate agreed that the primary leading indicator would be the housing market – that is “investors will know an economic recovery is under way when the housing market finds price stability and foreclosures moderate”. These and other opinions from the survey are contained in the article below which […]

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10 Strong Markets

If you are looking for good real estate markets look where jobs are plentiful, the economy is strong and where populations are growing ( is a good place to start your research). Below is a compilation of 10 markets where the local job market is strong. If people can find work, they can make money. If people are making money they can pay rent or buy houses. This creates demand for housing and ultimately drives up rents and home values. 10 Cities to Look at If You’re Looking for Work […]

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Short-Sales Getting Easier?

Foreclosures are sky-rocking, we all know that, but what is happening to all these homes? According to Dataquick, in California alone in the 3rd Quarter of 2008, over 94,000 homeowners went into default. 94,000 in a THREE month period in California alone. This is a staggering number. Many of these homes become great potential short-sale deals. If you have ever pursued a short-sale you may be rolling your eyes thinking “yeah right, good luck getting the bank to respond to you, let alone accept your offerâ€?. While that may be […]

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