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Protected: Graduate Call 5-8-14: Mobile Homes, Part 2

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Protected: Graduate Call 5-1-14: Mobile Homes, Part 1

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Graduate Call Notes 5-1-14: Mobile Homes, Part 1

1 in 3 americans are spending too much in rent: Today we discussed an article that talks about how because of the economy and the credit issues of Americans many are spending too much in rent. This is crucial to understand when we as Real Estate investors are working with renters. The article states: One out of three Americans now live in a housing market where rent for a three-bedroom home eats up more than 30% of the monthly median income, the traditional threshold for affordability, according to RealtyTrac. And in some cities, residents are doling out a much […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 4-24-14: Questions and Answers

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