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Protected: Graduate Call 6-5-14: Subject 2 Deals

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Graduate Call Notes 5-29-14: Q&A

Today we had several students on the graduate call for our end of the month Question and Answers Call. We discussed several topics. One that is in the news relates to that many of the National Banks that provide mortgage loans to consumers continue to require even higher credit scores in a economy that is still struggling with signs of improvement. We discussed an article that states that government agencies are finally taking some action to lessen their lending requirements which could in turn create competition for the National Banks […]

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Protected: Graduate Call 5-29-14: Questions and Answers

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Graduate Call Notes 5-22-14: Probate, Part 2

Transfer of Title: Today one of our students on the call talked about wanting to help a family he knew that have an issue with title to a property. It seems that a Grandmother owned the family home who passed on & the main heir is one son. The problem lies in that the one son is now not in good health. The other family members want to change ownership of the property to all of the siblings in the family others in case of more health issues for him. […]

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